Welcome to the SDO Heliophysics Event Knowledgebase Wiki
This wiki supports development and use of the HEK software system for use by HMI and AIA instruments on the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) mission. Intended readers are regular users of SDO data or HEK softwar and developers of HEK software.
This is a work in progress. So Be warned!
Data collected by the AIA instrument be used to generate a variety of data products. A schematic of these and the steps in generating them is displayed here: AIA_highleveldataproductsp2.pdf. These products are the result of analysis and automated processing in the Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory's Level 2 system, SDOEventSystem.tiff. A draft for the types of events, data expected to be required to find them, possible detection methods, etc are show here: AIA_highleveldataproductsp3.pdf. Similarly, higher level products we expect to generate are summarized here: AIA_highleveldataproductsp4.pdf. More information is available here: AIAEventOverview.pdf.
This is for materials on the Heliophysics Event Registry (HER, aka HPKB), Heliophysics Coverage Registry (HCR, see LMSAL Hinode Data Center for prototype) and the Movie Registry.
ApplicationProgrammingInterface for the Heliophysics Events Registry (HER)
Browsing and Annotation Clients
Event Identification System
Validation System
Protocols & Standards
For the components of HEK to work, we have adopted certain protocols and standards. These will be documented here. Currently these are the Event Schema, Solarsoft and REST-style webservices.
Event Schema
HEK has adopted an enhanced form of the VOEvent standard. In addition to some minor changes to better support heliophysical events, the HEK is developing a schema for classifying and describing features and events.
Web Services
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